Top 5 trending superfoods 2020 that need your attention.
Today in this article i will tell you Top 5 trending superfoods 2020 that need your without wasting your time let's Get Started! So starting with number one✓ #1 Ragi Ragi is rich in fiber that helps with weight loss and help to controlling diabetes. It is full of clacium compared to any other grains. Ragi is a good source of natural iron which improves haemoglobin. Ragi is also rich in antioxidants which helps your body to fight against infections. Being rich in vitamin B3 (niacin) , enables healthy skin and prevent age spots and the good news is that it is gluten please add ragi to your diet and see results within months. #2 Desi ghee Desi ghee is a good source of energy, it contains medium and short-chain fatty acids. Cow ghee helps in improving digestion by stimulating the secretion of stomach acid. It also balance your hormones. It is very good to give your child a spoonful of desi ghee daily to boost their immunity and strengthen bones and make them...